Meet Pastor Jonny & Mikyla Pragashpathy!

Jonny and Mikyla first met one another at a conference for a movement called MoveIn, which they are a part of here in London, and have been married for 3 years!

Jonny is bi-vocational having served as the young adult’s director at Royal View Church, and swigs lattes at Starbucks! His focus now is to spiritually care for the students of Fanshawe College.

He has almost a decade of combined youth and young adult ministry and is eager to learn and grow more. Jonny has a B.A in Theology and Sociology.

Mikyla works for a multicultural neighborhood resource center offering food bank programs and resources to the community. She is also a Fanshawe graduate from the Social Service Worker program.

Both Jonny and Mikyla have a deep longing to serve their local community, as they strongly believe that ministry must also address a practical need, or else the words they speak are empty (be doers of the word not only hearers…James 1: 22-25). The two of them share a missional heartbeat and desire to see newcomers come to know the goodness of God and Christ’s love for them; but also seek to empower them to thrive in a new country, and new setting altogether.

The Pragashpathy home is an open space and they would love to get to know you, so come on over!

Royal View Church

Pastor Jonny and Mikyla serve at Royal View Church Connection Cafe to raise support towards The Table at Fanshawe.

“For a number of years it has been my dream that Royal View would establish an outreach
ministry to Fanshawe College her in London Ontario. With over 25,000 students at Fanshawe
there is a definite need and opportunity to bring the hope of the Gospel to that community.

Recently a young man came to Royal View who has a passion to plant a church for Fanshawe students. I believe he has the gifts and talents to establish a strong work among the Fanshawe community. Royal View is committed to help and support him any way we can.”

- Reverend Garry Fess, Lead Pastor

For years now I have seen many Fanshawe students venture out to Royal View Church searching for a local church where they can connect and grow in community with one another.

We have found great success in seeing those needs met and have always felt we needed to have something closer to the school itself. The only complaint we have heard from students has been, [We wish Royal View was closer to Fanshawe so we could be more involved]. We felt to lean into that need and pray to God to open the doors to plant, and since we started to pray, doors have been opening in many ways to meet those needs.”

Pastor Mike Switzer, Assistant Pastor