
The Table is a place where you belong before anything else. We seek to walk alongside each person as they navigate through life and find hope in Jesus. This is done through our obedience to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, and embodying the Great Commandments in Matthew 22:37-39.

We long to see revival at Fanshawe College!


The ethos of The Table is informed by the early church depicted in the book of Acts, where people gathered together in homes to share meals, share stories, and ultimately share a culture of joy centered around worship and the person of Jesus Christ.

Our distinctives reflect our culture, and things you do at an actual table. These collectively shape our idea of “fellowship”.

  • FOOD - you eat meals at a table

  • FAITH - you wrestle with Scripture at a table

  • FAMILY - you hang out with loved ones at a table

  • FUN - you play games at a table

you belong at the table

SUNDAYS @ 4:30 P.M


Every Sunday, except the last Sunday of the month @ North London Optimist Community Centre

1345 Cheapside St, London ON N5V 3N9

Family Sunday:

On the last Sunday of the month, join us for a meal with the Table family

Contact jonny@tti.church for location details